Friday, June 4, 2021

Kindergarten Blog, June 4: On SLCs and Personal Projects

This week’s student led conferences were a success! Thank you to all the parents for taking the time to listen to the children share what they have learned in school. Congratulations to all the children for sharing their learning journey — please give yourselves a pat on the shoulder!

Our journey in learning about transportation hasn’t ended yet.

The blue team’s rocket and astronauts suit are done nicely by the children, and they enjoyed playing with it.

The children also made a distance graph. It shows the distance between the earth and moon, Japan and Europe, and home and school. On the graph you also can see what kind of transportation people are using.


The yellow team have named, sorted, and discovered how different transportations work. Based on what they have learned the past weeks, they’ve started working on a personal project: to design and create any transportation that they enjoyed learning about. Some of the choices include cars, hot air balloons, boats, and ambulances!

To continue our lesson on numbers, the children have been using their estimation skills in learning about money. We’ve discovered that money has value, and that we can use them for our daily needs. We had a “sticker sale” the other day, and the children had the opportunity to buy stickers with the play money they have. Each sticker size had a value, and the children chose how much they were willing to spend. Maybe the next lesson could be on the concept of saving money, too? :) 

The children also learned more about Japanese money through coin rubbings. The children explored Japanese coins and transfered their images on paper by rubbing them with a colored pencil. The children enjoyed this activity, and have learned more about what our money looks like. 

We have one more full week left this school year, and we’re excited to make the most of it with the children before summer break begins. 

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Your Kindergarten teachers, 

Pam and Azusa

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