Pre-KG Blog 35 04.June 2021
DSKI is a small school with a big heart that is often praised for its family like atmosphere. We foster good relations with our school families and community and value our good connections to the wider community.
The children are still very young when they join the Pre-Kindergarten class, sometimes they have come from our school internal Playgroup which is taught by the same teacher in the same classroom, so transitions are made easier.
But even when the children have never been away from their parents before, they tend to grow, learn, challenge themselves and make good friends in our caring and safe Pre-Kindergarten environment quite fast.
Their class, teachers and DSKI are becoming their 2nd family !
I personally cherish and value the connections we have with our wonderful DSKI families and appreciate all the support given in our classroom and to the school. We also have a wonderful, dedicated group of parents in the PTA, the Board and as generous sponsors.
Especially in their last and current unit of “Body and Family” the Pre-KG children talk a lot about their families and their adventures together. They were very proud to show their family pictures which they displayed on the wall together with their family drawings.
This week we also had the good fortune to welcome some of our parents briefly (!!) into our classroom to check out the newly donated equipment and celebrate birthdays and progress.
The Pre-KG children have continued to make amazing dream homes for their families, improve their vocabulary and fine motor skills with the multi layered generation puzzle and made (not so) secret daddy figurines for Father’s day !
The Pre-Kindergarten teachers also have strong family ties within the DSKI school community .
So did Hanna (Anita's daughter) read a nice family book to the Pre-Kindergarten children and Tina (Derek's daughter) came to Pre-KG to raise money for her PYP exhibition project against poverty. Nice job, daughters !
Next week will be the last FULL week for the children in their Pre-Kindergarten class and a full week it will be as we have 4(!!) new friends trialling in class.
But I am confident that this fabulous, energetic and caring class will embrace the new challenges easily !
Your Pre-Kindergarten teacher Anita Ursula Mönch
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