No one looks the way I do;
I have noticed that it’s true.
No one walks the way I walk.
No one talks the way I talk.
No one plays the way I play.
No one says the things I say.
I am special, I am me;
There’s no one else I’d rather be.
As we continue to learn about who we are, we’ve also learned how to appreciate our similarities and differences with other people.
This week, the blue team continued to work on their body picture called This is Me, as well as their self portraits. We also took photos of each child and the children cut their photos in 2 parts. Then the children played the game called Which Parts are Mine? It was a fun game for everybody!
In the yellow team, we learned that our different physical characteristics make us unique. We created a puzzle out of each child’s face, and the children guessed which eyes, nose, mouth, and forehead belong to whom. The children were so keen on the details of their classmates’ features. “This is Ren because he has curly hair,” they said, or “This is Yuuma because his smile is happy.” They are all so observant!
We continued to strengthen our observation skills by playing a game called Guess Who. The children enjoyed figuring out their partners’ mystery character by asking simple questions, such as “Does he have yellow hair?”, “Does he have glasses?”, “Is she wearing a necklace?” They crossed out the characters that didn’t fit the description if their partner answered “no,” or they guessed the mystery character if their partner answered “yes!”
We also used our body to learn how to count and measure. We wanted to see how tall we are or how long some of our body parts are by using some of our classroom toys. We discovered that Mia is almost 9 markers tall — so is Alya! Leanna is one of the tallest in the yellow team with 12 tiles!
We also learned new rhymes, songs, and practiced our alphabet, too!
It was a very busy and fun week in Kindergarten! We’re all eager to keep on learning!
Your Kindergarten teachers,
Pam and Azusa