Thursday, February 25, 2021

Pre-KG Blog 23 Foodies, Friends, Fun and Safety

Pre-KG Blog 23  26.Feb.2021

Foodies, Friends, Fun and Safety

The Pre-KG children truly love their food and they therefore revel in their current subject of “Animals and Food”.

They started the week by checking out their toy food supplies again, sorted them into bento boxes and talked about their likes and dislikes. Quite a lot of conversation was heard and the prevailing opinion was that their pretend bentos looked good, but the real ones from home were actually much yummier!

The children continued their learning journey by identifying favourite food items from various pamphlets and advertisements and made collages, proving that they not only were interested in a healthy balance, but also some delicious gourmet items !

During all these activities the Pre-KG children welcomed kindly a new friend, Lucas, into their team and showed great enthusiasm for celebrating Hiyori’s birthday, first in the sand area of the green field (with lots of fun and sand cakes galore!)

.......and then on the actual day ! 

Yummy treats and smiling faces everywhere ! 

Happy 3rd Birthday, Hiyori-chan !

On top of everything, the children also managed to do a Tsunami Emergency drill this week, because with all the fun and play, we need to make sure that our children are well prepared in case of an emergency. 

Safety first, in any case!

Fantastic job and fantastic week, 

Pre-Kindergarten children!

Kindergarten Blog, Feb. 26: Our Seasons, The Alphabet, and More!

 It has been a busy four-day week in the Unicorn and Butterfly rooms!

Some of the blue team boys tried to make a marble run and showed the result during Morning Circle to their friends. Everybody was very keen to see where the marble came out.

For the yearlong unit, the children chose what they like to wear in the cold season.

The children also made decorations for the Japanese festival Hinamatsuri — the girls’ festival — which will be next week on the 3rd of March.

This week was a week for exploring the alphabet in the yellow team. The children were given an opportunity to explore different areas that target different skills such as letter recognition, upper and lowercase letter matching, and sound recognition.

They also continued inquiring on the yearlong unit, Sharing the Planet, which is all about the different seasons and the difference between night and day. 

One of the children’s artwork this week focused on using the sun as a tool for drawing. We used different objects to create shadows on paper, and we traced them using different colored markers. It was challenging for some of them at first, but in the end, they enjoyed it and were able to create pictures of dragons, villages, and their friends!

The children also created a series of Sun and Moon Stories where they painted a scene that includes the two elements, and what they've learned in connection with our Who We Are unit. They shared their paintings with their classmates, and they enjoyed listening to each others stories, too.

We also want to decorate the classroom to reflect the different seasons, so we’ve started creating tree branches to place on our classroom pillars, which we’ll decorate with leaves and flowers. We’ll share them with you next week once we finish creating our season trees!

On a different note, we recently bought a new sharpener to be used in class and the students have been excited to use them for their pencils. Before we knew it, we've sharpened a lot of pencils and the kids wondered, "What are we going to do with all of them? We can't write with them all at the same time." So we've tried an experiment where we can use perfectly sharpened pencils -- and it was fun! We didn't get wet at all!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

Your Kindergarten teachers, 

Pam and Azusa

Friday, February 19, 2021

Pre-KG Blog 22 “KARNEVAL" - Celebrating happiness !

Pre-KG Blog 22  19.Feb. 2021

“KARNEVAL" - Celebrating happiness !

Since last week there have been “Karneval" (in English Carnival) celebrations all over Germany, so the Pre-Kindergarten children, as part of our German school community, have been busy celebrating the event.

Karneval is typically an event of joy and merriment before a fasting period and involves a lot of parades, masks and costumes.

Our current subject of “Food and Animals” fits perfectly, so the children looked at a variety of animals and then chose             the one they would like to make a mask of.


The children used their creativity to make a whole zoo of animal masks - a crocodile, a bear, an elephant, a zebra, a dog and some cats.

With lots of joy, the children used the masks to express movements and danced along to Karneval tunes in German (Ententanz) and Spanish (Rompe la pinata) !     

Rompe La Piñata




On Friday we finished a happy week with a new friend, a balloon dance and a fun Karneval game where you needed to throw colourful balls into baskets to win a yummy price.

There are many different Karneval greetings in Germany, depending on what region you are from, so Helau, Alaaf or Narri Narro to all of you!!

Kindergarten Blog, Feb. 19: Our Families and Other Fun Things

Last Monday was Karnival day in Germany. To celebrate it, the blue team children played some fun games using balloons.

For our Sharing the Planet unit, we are learning about the different seasons, as well as the differences between night and day. 

The blue team wrote sun stories, which we will share with you soon. The children are currently adding some sounds to the story — and we’re still trying to find nice ones for wind, rain, and the sun. 

The yellow team continued to learn about the similarities and differences of the things around us, which include the clothes that we wear in different seasons. They looked at the assortment of paperdoll clothes and sorted them according to how they’re used. Then, the children went “clothes shopping” in a made up store, and picked the clothes that they like for their paperdolls. This strengthens the connection with our Who We Are unit, which also focuses on how our choices make up who we are. You’ll definitely see the different styles of each child!

For our Who We Are unit, we focused on how our families play a major part on who we are. 

The children shared their family photos with their class this week. They made their own picture frames for their photos.


In the yellow team, the children looked at different types of families all over the world.  Since we’re learning about similarities and differences, the children used their thinking skills to identify attributes of different families to see how they can be sorted. It was interesting to listen to their ideas:

“They go together because there are 3 members in all of these families.”

“They belong together because there is only one parent in all of these families”

The children then looked at their own families to see how they are similar and different with their classmates. Each child had an opportunity to show-and-tell their picture, and to talk about their family members. Through the chart that we made, we have discovered that most families in the yellow team have 4 members, and most have 1 sibling. (Please note that the names came from each child’s show-and-tell sharing — feel free to let us know if we need to correct the names or the spelling! 😃 ) 

The yellow team also learned how to create stories through pictures. They were asked to think of their favorite memory with their family, and to share the sequence of how the events in the story happened. We loved listening to their favorite memories — such as going to Universal Studios Japan or tending to their sick mom! It was fun to get to know the children better through the lens of their family. 

It was a wonderful week of sorting for the yellow team — and all of them have gotten better at looking for similar attributes throughout the weeks!

We had a bit of a snow day, too, and the kids requested for a quick run outside to catch the snowflakes. Some caught none, some caught as much as 6 — and others even caught snowflakes with their tongue! 

What a productive and fun week it has been for all the Kindergarteners!

Your Kindergarten teachers, 
Pam and Azusa