Saturday, October 24, 2020

Kindergarten 23 Oct. 2020

This week we had some beautiful weather. Blue team decided to eat lunch outside. The children almost decided to do quiet time on the deck, too. Inside the Unicorn room house, we now have an electric candle lightning which looks warm and cozy.

The Blue team was very proud about the Halloween door decorations. The children made pumpkins, bats and spiders themselves! The children also went to the office to get their special treats. It was a fun day for everybody!

We wish you all a nice Autumn holiday😄

This was a fun and busy week for Yellow Team. Although it rained on Monday, we discovered that we could still play outside by staying under the shade cover above the sand box. The children enjoyed gathering rainwater and using it to make mud.

Later in the week, when the weather became nice, we went to the park with Blue Team to gather fall leaves and acorns.

Of course, Friday was our Halloween party. The children enjoyed making spiders, pumpkins, ghosts, and monsters to decorate our door. And they enjoyed touring the school to check out the other classrooms' doors. During their tour, they were treated to a special Halloween science demonstration by Mr. Brabant.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Pre-KG Blog 9 Art in autumn!


Art in autumn!

 Autumn brings a lot of joys and one of them is discovering the changes in nature which are very visible in this season.

While the children are enjoying sweet potatoes and apples in their bentos, they are also very excited about the falling leaves and their pretty colours.

So we started our autumn tree project that stretched over several weeks by talking about autumn and observing nature.

We then gave the children the opportunity to choose from different media to express themselves.

Using crayons, pieces of paper, stamps, tissues & ink and wool the children created their stunning pieces of art which mirrored individuality and their level of skill.

The children also went on nature walks to collect sticks and leaves to enhance their artwork.

And just before the holidays we celebrated Halloween at school by decorating our classroom door, making little white paper ghosts, dressing up our scarecrow and putting on fabulous costumes!

Happy autumn holidays everyone !

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Kindergarten 16 Oct. 2020

This week Blue Team children were talking about the "Sharing the planet" unit related topic autumn and autumn weather. On the classroom calendar picture, the children see a kite flying. We decided to make our own kites. Our very first own kite! Last Thursday, the weather was very windy. It was perfect weather to let the new kites fly.

In continuing with our "Sharing the Planet" unit, this week the Yellow Team discussed our recent trip to feed birdseed to the birds around our school, and wondered why the birds didn't come and eat. So we tried feeding the birds again, this time by making bird seed cakes and leaving them outside within view of our classroom window. We hope that we will get some visitors this time. Some of the students remarked that if the cakes are broken or missing on Monday, we will know that they have been eaten!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Pre– KG Children in P.E.!

Pre– KG

Children in P.E.! 

For children to have a balanced life, they not only need to use their heads, but also their whole body ! 

So on top of active outside time and exploration walks around Rokko Island, the Pre– Kindergarten children have P.E.

( physical education) lessons with Mr. Waite on Friday morning. 

In the MPR ( multi purpose room ) of the school, Mr. Waite guides the Pre– KG children through a wide range of exercises: 

“ The Pre– KG children have been working hard improving their fine and gross motor skills. They have done this by exploring ways to lift and move objects and build structures. By moving in various ways around these structures, they improved on their awareness in space.

Climbing, jumping and balancing have been practiced by all the students as well as movement connected to the familiarity of colours.”.

What a great way to stay active and healthy
while having lots of fun !

Friday, October 9, 2020

Pre-KG October and Oktoberfest !


October and Oktoberfest !


Autumn and October have finally arrived ! 

There are many activities that can be enjoyed in October and with our school DSKI being a German school, the Oktoberfest has always been a highlight and a very enjoyable fun Fest for our school families.  Alle Familien freuen sich immer auf das Oktoberfest an der Deutschen Schule Kobe !

The Oktoberfest originated in München, Bayern (Bavaria)  - Germany and was actually a wedding celebration for the Bavarian crown prince and his wife, the princess.

  Due to the Coronavirus we could not have a big event this 

year, but the Pre-Kindergarten children got into the right festive mood by making decorations in the Bavarian colours of blue and white which matched the hallway decorations done by the PTA.

Throughout the week the class looked at some clips with Bavarian music and dancers dressed in national German costumes and they had fun dancing along. The children also enjoyed colouring a sheet with German traditional clothes, Dirndl and Lederhosen, in their favourite colours.

Finally on Friday, our Oktoberfest day at school, the children watched the performance by our school’s choir, had a yummy German Brezel (courtesy of the PTA @DSKI) and enjoyed a traditional fun fair game, the Dosenwerfen ! 

 Pre-Kindergarten had a real fun Oktoberfest at school !