Thursday, December 10, 2020

Pre-KG Blog 15 The Rainbow Fish and the Tulip Field

Pre-KG Blog 15 

The Rainbow Fish and the Tulip Field

Just in time for our unit of “Colours and Shapes” and right in the spirit of the Christmas season where we highlight caring and sharing (we do it all year round, so that’s why I say highlight!), the wonderful exhibition “The Rainbow Fish” opened at the nearby Fashion Museum.

The Pre-KG children had learnt about the story and its message and were very eager to see the Rainbow Fish drawings. 

At the museum they were surprised by an exciting 3D mapping room where parts of the story where projected onto the walls and some moving pictures which made the teachers a bit dizzy.

The children shouted in joy and found familiar characters here and there “Octopus, Rainbow fish, sparkles!”. After a little reminder that we were in a museum the children calmly looked at the rest of the expo and found out that Mr. Pfister actually had drawn many colourful paintings of animals other than fish.

At the end the children got to chose one book for their unit and decided that “Goodnight, little Rainbow Fish” was the best.

Back in the classroom, the children eagerly drew their own versions of the rainbow fish and some Pre-KG friends read the new book together. The colouring, cutting, pasting and creation of a beautiful collage kept the class busy for the rest of the week.

As some of the Pre-KG children attend class every day, they had an interesting excursion on Tuesday with the Blue Team friends of KG to the nearby Rokko Island community field. 

The children are learning about life cycles and therefore the planting of tulip bulbs which turn into beautiful flowers of many colours in spring, helps them to understand the wonders of nature.

What a colourful week the Pre-KG had where again they learnt a lot of new things!

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