Friday, June 11, 2021

Kindergarten Blog, June 11: Transdisciplinary Transportation!

It’s our last full week in Kindergarten!

The children had the chance to visit this year’s Exhibition. They learned about the process that the 5th and 6th graders went through in inquiring about their uniqueness, as well as how they can use it to make a difference in the world. Reflections from the Kindergarten children, such as “I’m lucky to be in school” or “we should never waste our food” shows the connections that they have made from visiting the booths in Exhibition.

The Yellow Team continued learning about transportation and how we can use them for creating art and playing games. 

For art, the children used the different transportation toys in the classroom to create a motion painting. They painted the wheels of the cars, buses, and trains with different colors, and used them as unconventional paintbrushes to create their masterpiece.

For PE, the children were able to make use of the safety and traffic signs that they created and used them to build a track. They used their boogie boards and played games around the track to simulate what it would be like to be drivers on the road. 

The students also had their Sports Day during their PE classes. Please watch the video prepared by Mr. Waite here: 

Kindergarten Sports Day

The Yellow Team also continued to work on their personal projects to create a form of transportation of their choice. They will present it to the class next week, and explain their creation to their classmates. 

The Yellow Team students are also ready to move forward to Preschool. This week, they worked on their Schultute, also known as a ‘school cone’, which is a tradition in Germany for students who finish their Kindergarten years, and will move forward to Grade 1 (in our case, Preschool). Traditionally, parents are invited to decorate the Schultute in school with the children, but given the current restrictions, the children started decorating their cones in school, and are asked to continue working on them at home with their parents. On the first day of Preschool, they will bring it to school, filled up with treats such as pens, notebooks, or sweets. The Yellow Team children are definitely excited to work on this, as it celebrates the end of their years in Kindergarten, as well as marks the beginning of a new experience for all of them.

Thank you for a wonderful school year, and we look forward to celebrating its closing with the children next week. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Your Kindergarten teachers, 
Pam and Azusa


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