Thursday, November 12, 2020

Pre-KG Blog 11 Puzzled!

Pre-KG Blog 11  


The Pre-Kindergarten children have shown great interest in puzzles recently!

Every day we offer the children a variety of puzzles to choose from and the children have really upped their game with some children being able to finish puzzles of up to 20 pieces now.

Puzzles are an important educational learning tool for young children as they provide many skills such as hand-eye coordination, shape recognition, fine motor skills, patience, concentration and goal setting as well as cognitive learning opportunities and benefits. Additionally, they teach children about the concept of whole and pieces of a bigger picture.

The children in the Pre-KG class also sharpen their observation skills with “I spy” type books. They encourage each other to look for an item and then display great joy at finding it!

One of the most beloved puzzles shows animals and an connected item which got our children really thinking, especially about the sheep and the wool.

The children were completely puzzled ! What was the connection there? 

As we have a lot of inquisitive minds in class, we looked at 2 video clips of sheep being shorn and wool being spun.

Now that this puzzle is solved, please ask your child about the connection between sheep and wool! 

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