Friday, May 28, 2021

Kindergarten Blog, Mar. 28: Off to an Adventure We Go!

This week, the blue team children were busy finding out about different transportations or traffic signs. Sophia made a moving vehicle out of wood, and Diego was very interested to learn about traffic signs and cut them out. Jinnosuke and Haruto were colouring an astronout suit for flying to space. Arisa had a great idea to make a car out of box which she also can put her legs in.

Mana Morimoto joined the blue team last Thursday. She was in our Pre-KG and remembers some of the children. Please welcome her and her family.

The yellow team continued their adventure to different places. They have started inquiring on how different forms of transportation are used, and simulated how we travel to different countries via airplanes. Even though air travel is limited for now, we can always use our imagination, right?

The children created their own passport, learned how to use them, and talked about the safety rules inside a plane. 

We visited countries such as Japan, Germany, Mexico, Philippines, United Kingdom, Russia, France, and Italy. We “experienced” their culture through art, crafts, and games. 

The children also continued their inquiry on Spring under our yearlong Sharing the Planet unit. We planted sweet potato to help us better understand how plants grow, and the children enjoyed searching for bugs in the soil, too! To help fuel their curiosity, we discussed the importance of bugs in our ecosystem, and the ways that we can take care of them without disrupting the way they live. 

Next week, we will have our student led conferences with the children. Thank you for signing up through Doodle. The invites to the conferences will be sent out before your scheduled day.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Your Kindergarten teachers, 
Pam and Azusa 

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