Friday, April 16, 2021

Kindergarten Blog, April 16: All Aboard in our Transportation Unit!

 Choo! Choo! Off to our transportation unit we go!

This week, the Blue Team was very excited to continue learning about different forms of transportation. 

The children made their own wallet out of leather. We want to use them when we learn about how we use transportation by visiting the Rokko liner together. We want to find out how the station’s system works. 

The Blue Team also started to draw a street map together. The Blue Team City has lots of streets. Some of the streets have the water canal under them. Of course, there are lots of shops and pools, too. The children will use the map to play with toy cars when it's done.

This week, the Yellow Team showed their understanding of how the different forms of transportation are sorted by completing a scene that shows land, air, and water transportation. 

They also revisited the forms of transportation that they use to get to school and guessed what their classmates use based on the models they made. We came up with a list of transportation that the Yellow Team uses to get to school, and created a survey out of them for the whole school. We want to find out how the teachers and other students get to DSKI. Once we gather the information we need, we will turn it into a graph or a chart. 

The Yellow Team students also worked on their Wonder Wall. They observed pictures that show different forms of transportation in varying scenes. With a group, they brainstormed on the following things:

-what they SEE in the photo

-what they THINK is happening in the photo

-what they FEEL about the scene in the photo 

They drew their answers on a visible thinking tool that we posted in the classroom. 

Aside from this, the Yellow Team also watched a video from Brainpop Jr. that focused on different forms of transportation, and how they have evolved throughout history. The kids were engaged in the class discussion and shared their wonderings. One part of the video explained how in the past, animals were used to help people travel from one place to another before vehicles were invented. Some of them wondered if pigs and chickens can take them places! :)

The Yellow Team continues to learn about the alphabet and their sounds through different hands on activities such as alphabet tiles and scavenger hunts. 

It has been a week filled with fun and enriching learning for everyone in Kindergarten. Have a wonderful weekend!

Your Kindergarten teachers, 
Pam and Azusa

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