Friday, April 9, 2021

Kindergarten Blog, April 9: All About Transportation and Easter Fun!

The Kindergarten students are off to a new unit under the transdisciplinary theme, How We Organize Ourselves. We will be inquiring on the following concepts:

Central idea:

People use different forms of transport in their daily lives.

Lines of inquiry

- Different types of transportation

- Why we need transportation

- How we use transportation


function, connection

Approaches to learning

Research skills, Thinking skills

Learner Profile

Principled, Communicators

The blue team has started to talk about transportation during their morning circle, and they immediately wanted to try making a ship. 

They also talked about the different ways that they come to school. 

The yellow team also shared how they come to school through models that they created using different materials in the classroom. Some use the train, a car, a bicycle, or a scooter!

The yellow team also started sorting out the different forms of transportation based on where we use them: land, air, or water. 

They’ve begun creating their transportation city by building streets that our toy cars can travel on. 

The yellow team also created paper helicopters and tried an experiment to see what would happen if we release them from a high place! 

This week, the Easter bunny came to visit the Early Years in DSKI! The children found colorful chocolate eggs in the garden. They were all eager and happy to collect the eggs that the easter bunny left. 

The children also did a bunny egg race together at the green field. It was wonderful morning spent with friends, and in celebration of Easter! Thank you to all the parents who donated the eggs for the children and the whole school community — we truly appreciate your generosity!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. 

Your Kindergarten teachers, 
Pam and Azusa

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