Friday, April 9, 2021

Pre-KG Blog 28 The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Easter Fun and Friendship!

Pre-KG Blog 28  09.Apr.2021

The Very Hungry Caterpillar,

                                             Easter Fun and Friendship

The Pre-Kindergarten children have been learning a lot about animals and their eating habits. They have identified what certain animals eat and what not and even why it is not good for them.

One of the children’s favourite stories is “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” where they can learn about day and night, numbers, a variety of food items plus metamorphosis!

After reading the book and watching an animated clip, the Pre-KG children discussed the story. They were very knowledgeable about the fruits the caterpillar ate and the right numbers. They coloured some related worksheets and traced the numbers. 

The children also were keen to find vegetables and fruits that are good for a caterpillar to eat.

Some of the children understood that there is change happening inside the cocoon, but all of them knew that the caterpillar in the end will become a butterfly, which is the whole idea of metamorphosis.

Great thinking and combining Pre-KG !

With the first butterflies appearing in the sunny weather, the children wanted to create some of their own. They used paint brushes and bright colours for their drawings.

Together with the other classes of Early Years, the Pre-Kindergarten children also enjoyed an exciting egg hunt and games on the green field. 

A big thank you to our wonderful PTA who worked together with the Easter bunny to provide the yummy chocolate eggs.

We had a fantastic time together!

We finished the week with a Birthday Party and a Sayonara Party on the same day ! The children showed how much they have become friends since the beginning of the school year!

Happy 3.Birthday, Sara! We were happy to celebrate with you!

Best of luck, Hiyori ! We will miss you lots and hope you will visit soon again !

What a very busy week for the Pre-Kindergarten children (including a trial visitor) who handle every challenge and event whith such enthusiasm and joy ! 

You are the best !

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