Friday, April 2, 2021

Kindergarten Blog, April 2: Spring is in the Air!

 Spring is in the air! 

We hope all of you had a wonderful spring break with your family. The students are all eager and excited to be back in school.

This week the students prepared for the Easter Egg Hunt that will take place next week.

The blue team made a beautiful Easter tree, which they decorated with colorful eggs, bunnies, and baskets for each child. 

The yellow team also made Easter egg decorations and baskets while waiting for the bunny to arrive and bring its treats.  

Next week, we will play games and look for the eggs when the Easter bunny is finished hiding the treats! 

The tulips have also started to bloom in the community garden. The Kindergarteners visited the flowers that they helped plant a few months ago, and they all marveled at their contribution.

This week, the Kindergarten team also found time to enjoy hanami with the children to make the most of the cherry blossoms that are still in bloom at the blue park. We had a picnic during our break, and the children enjoyed munching on their snacks under the cherry blossom trees. 

It was a fun and meaningful week for everyone, and we look forward to enjoying more of this season with the children as we begin our new unit of inquiry.

Your Kindergarten teachers, 

Pam and Azusa 

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